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Women would rather sleep alone or with their dog

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on Jun 18, 2020

Women would rather sleep alone or with their dog

Here is something to think about: although sleeping with a partner can sound appealing, most women prefer to sleep alone or with a pet -- and they get better sleep!

Sleeping in a couple usually means sweet moments of tenderness while falling asleep in the embrace of a loved one ... or not. In reality, between snoring, pulling sheets, accidental kicks and hot flashes, there are many disadvantages to sleeping in tandem. If you sometimes wake up more tired than you were the night before, it may be your partner's fault! Even Carson Daly from the Today Show is in a sleep divorce with his wife.

If the idea of sleeping with your partner seems comfortable and warm, the reality can result in a deteriorated quality of sleep and be the source of sleep disorders.

An article from Wendy Troxel PhD, a sleep expert, published on March 23, 2020 explains that: ”When sleep is measured objectively, people actually sleep worse with a partner. In fact, if you sleep with someone who snores, you can blame them for up to 50 percent of your sleep disruptions.”

To sleep alone or not?

Almost one in two people do not sleep alone. It is common to appreciate the comfort and presence of another person while sleeping, and the media certainly reinforces this idea. A restless child will naturally ask to sleep in the parents' bed in order to be reassured, and a new couple delights in exploring the common bed. In fact, healthy sleeping arrangements are essential in a relationship, and frank discussions might not lead to a shared bed.

We all know that sleeping as a couple can disrupt sleep if one of the sleepers has to endure snoring, restlessness, late night rambles, sleepwalking or other disturbances. One person's sleep disturbance can seriously affect the other's sleep quality.

It is important to pay attention to your own needs and not try to adapt at all costs if the sleep patterns of the co-sleepers are not compatible. Recent studies reveal that more and more couples are sleeping in separate beds, separate bedrooms, and even residences. This does not herald the end of intimacy, but reflects an increasing desire to sleep comfortably, which for some can only happen if they are not disturbed by another, even if it is a loved one.

Women might sleep better with their dogs

Your dog is like your shadow, they follow you everywhere ... even into your bedroom. No problem! It could even have a positive impact on your sleep.

For some, the bedroom is a sacred place which the dog is not allowed to enter. For others, the bedroom door is open and the dog can even climb onto the bed and bedding. This second option is perhaps the better approach. A study by the Mayo Clinic in Arizona shows that people who sleep with their dog in the room have a better quality of sleep. Their pet brings real comfort and security that allows them to sleep better. In fact, the study by Arizona academics in September 2017 found that: “Humans with a single dog in their bedroom maintained good sleep efficiency.”

This study was supplemented by another from November 2018, according to which a woman would sleep better with her dog than with her partner. Animal behavior specialists at the University of Canisius in New York looked at the impact of animals on their master's sleep, and the results are quite unexpected. To carry out this study, a panel of 962 women were interviewed. 55% of them slept at least with a dog, 31% slept at least with a cat, and 57% of them shared their bed with a human being.

This study found that women who shared their bed with their dog appeared to have more restful sleep. Indeed, it found that the dog disturbs sleep less than their human partner, and also provided feelings of comfort and security.

It is the mere presence of the dog that is reassuring. Knowing that your pet is in your room can make it easier to fall asleep and sleep well. You put your head on your pillow and sleep soundly, knowing that your dog is watching nearby. This is especially true for people who live alone. It's easier to fall asleep with peace of mind knowing that you can count on your pet to warn and protect you.

According to the New York study, the size of your dog has no impact. Whether big or small, the benefits are felt. So, no longer think of your dog as a nighttime disturbance, they could really help you have a better night. And that is something everyone could use.

If you do decide to let your dog climb in your bed, consider an easy-care duvet, because necessarily, even if you regularly bathe your dog, it will be necessary to wash your bedding frequently. Because of this, we recommend a down alternative comforter due to their hypo-allergenic & high temperature properties.

If you would like any help or professional advice before ordering your bedding, you may contact our customer service representatives by phone or email, and they will assist you in your decision-making.

Additional resources:

Is it time to consider a sleep divorce?

Tons of Americans Would Rather Sleep Alone Than With a Partner

Pets as Bed Partners

An Examination of Adult Women’s Sleep Quality and Sleep Routines in Relation to Pet Ownership and Bedsharing

The Effect of Dogs on Human Sleep in the Home Sleep Environment

Is sleeping in separate beds bad for your relationship? A sleep scientist answers

The Influence of Bed Partners on Movement During Sleep

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