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​Start Your College Student Off On The Right Foot

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on Aug 23, 2021

​Start Your College Student Off On The Right Foot

Brace yourself; September is coming. Parents of former high schoolers are taking a few extra weeks off, as most colleges start later than high schools, but that big drop-off date is coming soon.

One of the most important aspects of moving into or returning to university is to ensure the student has a safe and secure nest from which to discover their new world. Here are some ideas and tips to help make that experience a success -- and perhaps even a treat.

Student rooms are often cramped and must contain the essentials. Learning how to maximize a small space is an essential step in learning to be independent. The person should feel good there: the space should be comfortable and practical for working.

For choosing colors: light colors are typically better suited for smaller spaces. Dark colors tend to make a room feel smaller. You can add touches of darker or bolder colors to energize the space.

Designate different spaces — study, kitchen, entertainment, and, of course, a comfy sleeping area. Rolling and stacked carts help separate living areas and provide a clever way of adding storage to small spaces.

Organize the closet space. Consider hanging shelves to avoid losing valuable items at the bottom of a pile of towels or clothes.

Go vertical. There is valuable space along the whole expanse of walls for shelves, speakers, video screens, planning calendars, etc. If you're tight for space, imagine the area above the bed to be as roomy as the overhead storage in an airplane. Double stacked corner shelves above a bed, desk, or table can yield as much space as a small closet.

Get down - referring not to a quality down comforter - but to the valuable storage space that can be utilized under beds, chairs, and desks. One great way to enhance the area around your bed frame is to get a bed skirt organizer with pockets for phones, remotes, water bottles, etc.

If you are fortunate enough to have high ceilings, consider a loft bed: confined space in a room can be compensated for by leveraging the height of your tall walls. Loft beds add usable space to a room. Alternatively, you could add a portable or Murphy's bed to increase storage space.

You can choose to place the bed at an angle (with the headboard adjacent to a window sill, for example) and fill it with comfortable and comforting accessories, such as throw pillows, euro pillows, cozy blankets, souvenir photos, green plants, etc.

Make the bed the very best you can. Whether a welcome home after a long day, a warm place for a cozy nap on a rainy Sunday, or the very best way to wake and greet the day - the student's bed and bedding are the essential item in every dorm room or student apartment.

The bed in the dorm should be comfortable and firm to promote good sleep, and the bedding should be of the best available quality at a fair price. Hotel bedding, especially hotel pillows and hotel comforters, is a great way to improve your students' sleep quality. At Downlite, we have developed a dedicated line of dorm bedding. Here are some practical tips and measurements to be aware of:

  • Bed sizes:
    • Twin/Single: 39" x 75”
    • Twin XL: 39" x 80" (Not common - more for dorm rooms)
    • Full/Double: 54" x 75"
  • A full-size comforter is excellent for a twin-size bed to add extra coverage for drawing pads, books, screens, etc.; a twin XL comforter can also fit comfortably. Sometimes you will find a queen size duvet cover they have to have and it simply means the comforter + duvet cover will drape extra wide on a twin xl bed.
  • The Intelli-Pedic pillow is a 3-in-1 pillow; it's adjustable and fits any sleeping position, so it's a safe bet for any type of sleeper.
  • Mattress pads protect the mattress and increase comfort:
  • Waterproof mattress covers are essential (Downlite makes one that is waterproof only).
  • Plush pads are great for comfort; they can be thin, medium, or super thick.
  • The duvet cover set should be stain-resistant and have duvet ties for easy changing and to retain its shape.

Downlite is committed to helping everyone get a better night's sleep. Contact us for personalized assistance with all your bedding needs.

More sources:

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

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