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Spring Cleaning: Storing Your Winter Bedding

Posted by Stefan Hunter on Apr 04, 2017

Spring Cleaning: Storing Your Winter Bedding

You can feel spring in the air. The days are getting a little bit longer, and the breeze feels slightly warmer. The winter thaw is beginning, and you know that the next season of warmth and sunshine is on the way! The changing season brings a whole new set of items to your to-do list, too: gardening, spring cleaning, and packing away your winter bedding. If you are about to make the transition to springtime in your home, you’ll want to store your winter  bedding properly so that it will be ready to use next fall when the cold, snow and ice arrive once again.

Tips for Storing Winter Bedding

#1. Be sure to wash! Start by washing your bedding and making sure it’s clean before you put it away. This is essential when it comes to proper bedding care, and it will ensure that your bedding looks great when you pull it out next winter. You may look at your winter bedding and think it looks clean, but even the smallest stains can discolor your fabric as it sits in storage for the next several months — don’t take the risk. By laundering your bedding prior to putting it into storage, you can rest assured knowing it will look great when winter arrives again next year.

#2. Find a place to store. Rather than shove your newly-cleaned bedding into a storage space in the attic or garage, consider purchasing a cushioned storage bench to place at the end of your bed. If you’re especially crafty, you can create a functional and stylish storage space yourself. This will appear to be an extra piece of useful furniture in your bedroom, but it also serves as a storage unit for your winter bedding. By adding a cushion to your craft project, you can sit at the end of your bed to finish getting ready in the morning. All the while, you know that your winter bedding is safely tucked away until they need to be used again next year. Extra blankets, flannel sheets and even your winter down comforter can fit into this convenient and stylish storage unit.

#3. How much space do you have? Invest in vacuum bags that will help you save space as you store your extra hotel pillows for the winter. Vacuum bags are an inexpensive investment that will allow you to store extra pillows or other large bedding items without taking up all of your precious storage space. Vacuum bags will eliminate all excess air, allowing the pillows and other bedding items to compress. You can seal it shut, and easily store it in a closet or underneath your bed for the rest of the year. In addition to saving you space, these bags help protect your winter bedding from mold, mildew, dirt and debris.

#4. Water is a no-no! Use plastic storage bins with lids to keep your comforter and other hotel bedding items protected throughout the year. This is an ideal option if you do not have room for a storage bench and you don’t have a linen closet in your home. Plastic storage bins with lids will keep out water, mold and mildew, and will effectively help you store your winter bedding during the off-season. You can place these bins in your closet, in your basement or in a storage facility.

Take Some Time Now…

And save some time later. Your winter bedding is an investment in your style and comfort. You want it to complement the look of your bedroom, while also keeping you warm and cozy during the coldest nights of the year. These tips will help you maximize the lifetime of your winter bedding and help you enjoy it for years to come.

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