Sleep Surveys Reveal Comforting Facts

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on Nov 10, 2020

Sleep Surveys Reveal Comforting Facts

People enjoy reading the results of surveys for a variety of reasons. Some want validation that others share their own ideas or opinions, some want to see what others are thinking or doing in the same circumstances they are in. The continued high popularity of the television show Family Feud, which first aired in 1976, is based on predicting answers to survey results, attests to the public’s affinity for surveys.

The National Sleep Foundation (“NSF”) has had success over the years in obtaining large sample participation in surveys regarding various aspects of sleep. The studies are well-constructed and generally serious, but also usually contain some fun facts. As makers of high-quality luxury hotel bedding, we always look forward to the NSF surveys; here are some of our favorite findings.

The NSF International Bedroom Poll surveyed 1,500 people, evenly divided among Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, Mexico, Canada, and the United States. The survey asked about key elements of their bedrooms and the effect of the bedroom environment on sleep.

  • Americans and Japanese are the most frequent nappers.
  • Americans are most likely to sleep with pets, while British are most likely to sleep in the nude.
  • Americans report sleeping with the greatest number of pillows, two (41%) or three or more (26%), for an average of 2.2 pillows per sleeper.
  • Pleasant scents were cited across the board as helping to have a good sleep environment.
  • After scent, the most important aspects of sleep environment are:
    • Clean smelling sheets
    • Comfortable pillows
    • Comfortable feel of bedding

NSF’s Bedroom Poll of 1,500 Americans adds the following:

  • 91% of respondents rate comfortable pillows as important to a good night’s sleep.
  • 85% of respondents rate comfortable bedding as important to a good night’s sleep.

And, finally, a 14-year-long study by the Perelman School of Medicine University of Pittsburgh provides us with the good news that we are sleeping more – an extra 7.5 hours per year over the 14 years of the study, or an additional 18 minutes per night. The extra time came mainly from going to bed earlier, with sleeping later a lesser contributor.

So, we can take heart from these surveys and studies. We are sleeping longer and have at our disposal the most popular and important means of enhancing and enjoying our sleep – quality hotel pillows, comforters, mattress pads and bedding.

If you have questions about choosing your bedding, feel free to reach out to us and one of our friendly customer service representatives will assist you.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels