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Oversized Comforters: The Secret to Better Sleep (& Longer Relationships!)

Posted by Matt Cardoni on Aug 05, 2022

Oversized Comforters: The Secret to Better Sleep (& Longer Relationships!)

Our society tends to fall into two distinct popular opinions: Is bigger better, or is minimalist living where it’s at? We’re constantly groomed to buy more and obtain the latest gadget, but minimalists focus on deeper meaning and cultivating purpose, making room for more of what truly matters. When it comes to bedding, both sides may agree that an oversized comforter is the perfect blend of minimalism and luxury that lead to the most restful sleep - and can even save your relationship.

So how does an oversized comforter or blanket improve your life?

More Comfort and Relaxation

For couples

Nothing disrupts a good night’s sleep like having your covers ripped off by a blanket hog. You wake up feeling annoyed and then must fight for your share of the bed. How in the world are you supposed to return to tranquil, peaceful sleep after being robbed of your comfort in your own bed? Oversized blankets are a game-changer for couples. They provide ample coverage for both parties, making bedding battles less frequent.

For young families

Parents of young kids are familiar with sharing the bed with more than their just partner. Some families opt to co-sleep from a young age, while others are surprised by nighttime visitors as early as the toddler years. Oversized comforters provide families with plenty of blanket share for multiple people of all sizes. The extra space also minimizes shifting from active little ones who tend to roll and kick throughout the night.

For toss and turners

Even sleeping alone, you may wake up from tossing and turning. The average person changes positions 10-40 times throughout the night. It’s not the motion that disrupts sleep but the sudden cold sensation from having a leg stick out or noticing that parts of your body are no longer covered. Huge covers maintain a more consistent temperature throughout the night which leads to fewer disruptions.

Better Fit for Big Beds & Mattresses

Selecting the right size comforter for your bed takes careful consideration. Deep mattresses and beds and generous mattress toppers require a much larger comforter to achieve the right amount of overhang. However, if you have a sleek platform bed or a stylish bed frame worth showing off, too large of a blanket may hide it all together and eliminate the ambiance you’ve worked to create. Oversized comforters and blankets are a perfect solution since they offer plenty of coverage but without the added length that comes from sizing up.

Enhanced Luxury

Oversized comforters and blankets take a standard bedroom from purely functional to luxurious. The extra material and generous draping provide an aesthetic appeal that surpasses average covers. The bed suddenly has the appearance of being more lavish and comfortable while remaining simple and uncluttered. Easily upgrade the visual appeal of any bedroom with an extra-large comforter.

At Downlite, we are committed to providing quality bedding to enhance your sleep experience. Our Colossal King Comforter, also known as World’s Biggest Comforter, provides 100 square feet of down alternative luxury for year-round comfort. This one-of-a-kind cover offers ample sharing space for blanket hogs and is a must-have for the growing population of King and California King bed owners.

Our Colossal Blanket is another option -- perfect for warm sleepers who may find the colossal comforter too heavy year-round. This enormous blanket is also known as “the marriage saver” and is made especially for extra thick mattresses, tall beds, and couples who have regular tug of wars. This extra-large blanket is available in oversized queen and oversized king sizes.

Check out our Oversized Comforter Video for a glimpse of the comforter in action.

If you want personalized assistance or professional advice before ordering your next comforter or blanket, you may contact our customer service representatives; they will help you find the perfect bedding to match your needs.

Photo by Kampus Production

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