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Do You Have Trouble Waking Up Every Morning?

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on Feb 15, 2021

Do You Have Trouble Waking Up Every Morning?

Have you been having trouble waking up? Right now, that's normal.

Over the past few weeks, people report waking up with their brains in slow motion, feeling that they have certainly not slept as well as they could have, like after a big night out (remember those?).

Although no one wakes up every morning with maximum energy, since the beginning of January, the difficulty level of opening the eyes, leaving a warm hotel comforter and a cozy hotel pillow, and starting the day has risen a notch for many. If you are among them, here are some possible causes of and tips for managing that morning fog.

The impact of the winter season

The first cause is the season we are enjoying. Without implying seasonal depression, we know that for a majority of the population, a lack of light in the winter months is accompanied by a feeling of lower level of fitness and a greater propensity to sleep.

Each of us is more or less sensitive to it, but winter affects all humans due to the reduction in external natural light, which helps regulate the internal biological clock. When light decreases or we are not exposed to it enough, the circadian rhythms are disturbed. In fact, the sun's rays are simply less “bright” in winter than in summer. On a summer day the brightness of the natural light is as high as 130,000 lux, versus 20,000 lux in winter.

The decrease in light also causes our bodies to make less melatonin (the sleep hormone) during the day. This can add to the feeling of tiredness and compound the morning challenge. Late night use of screens can also delay the onset of melatonin’s benefits, so we move away from it several hours before bedtime.

A consequence of the pandemic

The atmosphere of the current health crisis is generating a daily dose of stress for nearly everyone. Family worries, financial issues, telework, school or no school, the climate of uncertainty can certainly affect sleep quality.

Simple helpful tips


To improve your condition when you get out of bed, it is essential to be exposed to daylight, at least one hour a day. The lunch break is the best time because the light is the best. You can have a quick lunch, for example, then go out, or prepare to eat and have lunch outside.


After daylight, sport is the second great synchronizer of the biological clock. And even if you do not feel the strength, any effort at all can help to break the vicious cycle of fatigue. The morning is the perfect time for physical activity. It can also help to know your circadian style or type: a recent study found that morning types walk up to 30 minutes more each day than night owls. Knowing your circadian type can help you anticipate if you will need additional exercise to combat the winter blues.

Comfortable environment.

No matter what style of decor you have, try to avoid having what you don't need in your bedroom. Creating a decorative or storage overload will make the space feel messy, and clutter can negatively affect your quality of sleep. A simple decoration may help your sleep.

It is also strongly recommended to improve the comfort of your bedding (with hotel bedding), in order to promote deeper sleep and to encourage going to bed to fall asleep sooner or earlier.

To do this, you can choose:

- extra soft pillows, or comfy down pillows,

- an ultra comfortable mattress protector to make the mattress more uniform and soft, or a pillow top feather bed offering a extra plush when your are sleeping,

- soft and heat-resistant sheets,

- a special winter comforter with good coverage that distributes heat evenly while you sleep,

- a silky blanket to add an extra layer and warm the chilly.

So hold on, even though the groundhog predicts six more weeks of winter, there are still a few strategies you can employ to get through. Spring will soon arrive and with it an improved quality of sleep.

Contact us today for help in beating the wintertime blues.

If you would like personalized assistance or professional advice before ordering your bedding, you may contact our customer service representatives, and they will assist you in your decision-making.

Photo Credit: Photo by Burst from Pexels

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