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Can You Take a Hotel Pillow? What Happens and How to Buy One | DOWNLITE Bedding

Posted by Stefan Hunter on Jan 06, 2025

Can You Take a Hotel Pillow? What Happens and How to Buy One | DOWNLITE Bedding

After a night's sleep on the perfect pillow at a hotel, it's tempting to consider taking it home. But is it okay to take a pillow from a hotel? While many hotels understand how much guests love their pillows, the short answer is no—you shouldn't take it home. Here's why.

What Happens If You Take a Hotel Pillow?

Hotels often invest in high-quality bedding to ensure guests have a luxurious, comfortable stay. These pillows are part of that premium experience, and while guests are welcome to enjoy them during their stay, they are intended to stay in the room. If you decide to take one, there will likely be consequences.

Room Charge: Many hotels will add the cost of the pillow (and any other items) to your bill if it's missing. Pillows can be pricey, especially those found in high-end hotels.

Reputation Impact: Some hotels may also record missing items, affecting future bookings. It's always best to leave the pillow behind if you plan to be a repeat guest!

How to Get That Same Hotel Pillow for Your Home

Loved the pillow so much you can't stop thinking about it? Good news—you can bring the same luxurious experience into your home without taking the pillow. At DOWNLITE, we work directly with many hotels nationwide, providing the same high-quality bedding you enjoy during your stay.

To find the pillow that made your sleep unforgettable, use our Hotel Bedding Finder Tool on With this easy tool, you can search by the hotel name to see if the pillows (and other bedding) are available.

What If Your Hotel Isn't Listed?

Occasionally, you may stay at a hotel not listed in our Hotel Finder. Don't worry, though—many national hotels prefer that we don't use their names publicly. But we have a secret list of these hotels and their pillow choices!

Simply contact DOWNLITE, and we can look up the pillow you enjoyed during your stay. Whether it's a well-known chain or a boutique hotel, we can help track the exact match so you can enjoy that perfect pillow night after night at home.

By following this process, you'll have peace of mind knowing you got the exact pillow without any additional room charges or hassle. Sleep like you're on vacation every night!

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