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​Calming the Anxious Brain

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on Apr 23, 2020

​Calming the Anxious Brain

All people, and especially those who are more sensitive, are subject to stress arising from many sources, such as our environment, hectic schedules and daily rhythms. Stress has been identified as one of the important human medical conditions that should be recognized and managed. If stress continues unabated, the body gradually becomes exhausted, both physically and mentally. If not treated properly, stress can become chronic and lead to insomnia and depression, among other ailments.

Sleeping well promotes good humor and reduces stress

Stress is a well-known sleep disruptor, so try to manage the amount of stress within your day. Indeed, if you are over stressed during the day, then there is a good chance that your sleep will be disturbed, and by sleeping poorly you will increase the impact of stress on your body the next day. Technically, stress acts on various physiological functions that help stimulate awareness and alertness, thereby causing difficulty in falling asleep.

In addition to going to bed and getting up at regular times, and getting enough total sleep time (especially on weekends), you can improve and upgrade your bedding to increase your comfort in bed and facilitate your sleep.

Relax your body and mind

In addition to getting a good night’s sleep, it is necessary to generally relax your body and mind, which also contributes to a good sleep. Indeed, muscle and mental relaxation allows a total resting of the body.

Ideally, natural methods (exercise, relaxation, yoga, reduction of stimulants such as coffee or tea, etc.) make it possible to combat the symptoms of stress, and help avoid the need for prescription drugs.

Here are some of our bedding products that can help you to manage stress while simply relaxing at home:

  • The floor cushion will help you to settle and crisscross comfortably, especially for your hips and knees, during the practice of yoga or meditation. This pillow makes your floor a cozy space and its cover comes in several colors to match your decor.
  • The reading wedge will help your posture when reading or using your laptop by easing the pressure on your neck, which is usually the first part of your body to react to stress. Remember that reading is an excellent activity to relax your brain, reduce the stress and help to fall asleep.The reading wedge should be protected by a reading wedge cover, which is available in five designer colors and is easy to clean.
  • The body pillow can help you to find the right position when you are tossing and turning in bed. This special pillow helps to relieve pressure on your back and legs. 

In addition to managing stress by sleeping well, meditating, or practicing yoga, consider simply stretching, singing, dancing and of course laughing - a lot! Laughter is a natural anti-stress, which lowers the level of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress and releases tension.

In that spirit, if stress and interrupted sleep should ever cause you to nod off at work, recite this charming little poem:

I cannot get to sleep tonight.I toss and turn and flop.I try to count some fluffy sheep while o'er a fence they hop.I try to think of pleasant dreams of places really cool.I don't know why I cannot sleep -I slept just fine at school.― Kathy Kenney-Marshall

If you would like any help or professional advice before ordering your bedding, please contact our customer service representatives by phone or email and they will assist you in your decision making. 

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