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​Back to School - Back to the Bedroom?

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on Aug 02, 2021

​Back to School - Back to the Bedroom?

When do you go back can mean only one thing to a large segment of the population - when do your school-age children return to the classroom (or living on campus @ college). The answer is: it depends where you live. School districts in the US return to school anywhere from the last week in July until late September. Hoping for the best in this pandemic rebound year, here are some facts, figures, and tips about returning to school this year.

Although there is a seven-week span of back-to-school dates, most students return the second, third, or fourth week of August, with the differences mainly along regional lines. If you are a parent of a school-age child and reading this post, you have just a few weeks to prepare. Along with finishing that summer reading list, assembling school supplies, and completing your summer bucket list, you may also want to make the return to school something special for your child.

Indeed, anticipating and therefore gradually preparing children for the new rhythm that awaits them this new school year is the best way to plan a pleasant and serene transition at the end of the summer holidays, especially to preserve teenagers' precious sleep.

One good way to add excitement to the return is to rearrange the furniture in the bedroom. Most rooms have at least one alternative arrangement, and some have several. Rearranging furniture can provide many benefits and opportunities:

  • Clean those never-visited corners
  • Retire some favorite books and toys to make room for new ones
  • Change the energy in the room
  • Try new paint colors
  • Add fun lighting
  • Update their bedding

Young people should love their nest. It provides a sense of security from danger and independence from parents. Take the opportunity of the new year to refresh your children's bedding - or get them new dorm bedding - and give them that extra special cozy feeling as they embark on a new year of learning. Our hotel bedding collection is perfect for improving the comfort of their bed with a hotel pillow and a hotel comforter.

Remember that good sleep is essential for children to start this new school year on the right foot.

Build your bed from the bottom up. Mattress pad, mattress protector, sheets, comforters, pillows -- they all stack up to create a great gift to your child of a comfortable and cozy sleep.

You can also set up a reading corner with comfortable cushions (euro pillows or pillow insert forms) and blankets, and why not a feather bed next to a shelf full of children's books and a small lamp to encourage this calm and soothing activity.

Contact us for expert, complementary advice about all of your bedding needs.

More sources:

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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