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An Easier Wake Up: Tips & Tricks

Posted by DOWNLITE on Mar 01, 2018

An Easier Wake Up: Tips & Tricks

Do you wake up feeling achy, still fatigued, or like you're always getting up on the wrong side of the bed? If it’s a drag to get out of bed every day, consider these ways that you can create a healthy sleep environment in your home that helps you consistently wake up refreshed — without counting sheep night after night.

1. Be happy.

It's that simple. People who go to bed happier, and earlier than night owls wake up with ease. Making sure you go to bed in a good mood is easier said than done, but the rest of our tips can help you make sure you don’t fall asleep with a frown

2. Begin a new exercise routine.

Researchers at UCLA note that exercise can help improve your quality of sleep and help you wake up feeling more rested. The catch: the timing of your work out. Experts warn that exercising within two hours of bed may actually keep you awake, so plan carefully. Shoot for four to six hours before bed for optimal results.

3. Meditate.

While you don’t necessarily need to invest in meditation books or classes, dedicating some personal quiet time to empty your mind is always beneficial for sleep. Going to bed with too much on your mind will keep you awake for hours. Studies show that 15-20 minutes daily of mental rest can improve your sleep and help you feel rejuvenated upon waking each morning.

4. De-clutter your sleep space.

Feng Shui principles tell us that the bedroom should be free from clutter. Bringing piles of work into the bedroom may symbolize that you are not giving yourself a break making it hard to settle into sleep. Leaving stacks of clothes, blanketsbed sheets, and other items strewn around the room may create a sense of being closed in. Open your windows, get fresh air in the room and put away unnecessary items.

5. Remove electronics from the bedroom.

While it may be completely quiet in your bedroom, the "noise" created from too many electronic devices could be silently keeping you awake at night. Mounting evidence shows that lights from electronics like smartphones, computers, and tablets can throw off your biological clock that regulates circadian rhythms and keep you awake. For a more peaceful and happy morning, start setting a technological curfew.

6. Snack Smart.

While most nutritionists and sleep scientists would agree that there’s no harm in enjoying a snack before you hit the sack, there are a few rules that you need to follow to ensure that your noshing doesn’t keep you up to all hours:

  • Avoid caffeinated food and drink (that includes chocolate).
  • Exercise portion control
  • Nix the high-fat, high sodium treats
  • Skip the nightcap
  • Avoid spicy foods
  • Don’t eat a lot of protein

7. Get yourself in the habit of napping.

A healthy home begins with a restful sanctuary to lay your head at night and day.

Contrary to popular belief, napping may actually help you sleep better at night and keep you focused during the day. Studies show that short naps help prevent sleep deprivation overall and may improve overall cognitive function —making your morning wake up call less of a pain.

8. Overhaul your bedding and opt for luxurious down.

If you can't remember the last time you purchased new hotel pillows, sheets, or down comforters, your old bedding could be what's getting in your way of a good night’s sleep.

You want to make your bed as comfortable as possible. Invest in luxury hotel bedding made from quality material like down. Not only does down help create a "dreamy" feeling as you slowly sink in, but, with the right duvet cover, down can also be remarkably allergy-friendly.

And let’s not forget about the aesthetic factor. When you observe a bed overflowing with inviting comforters and plush pillows you are more likely to enjoy your overall experience in the bedroom space.

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